Labour supports Big Brothers Big Sisters
Every year the North Bay and District Labour Council gives back to the community. Our Labour Day Picnic is a good example. This year, however, due to the pandemic Labour Council executives and affiliate members decided to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Bay and District. On October 6th, Henri Giroux presented a cheque for $12,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters President, Mike Bissett.
During the fundraising campaign, we learned a great deal about Big Brothers Big Sisters. Our $12,000 donation is the single largest donation from any 3rd party community agency or member. Congratulations members! Amazing job raising funds for such an important organization. The money will go a long way to help little brothers and sisters, which is a good thing. But the organization needs much more than money these days. Big Brothers Big Sisters has a long wait list for big brothers, unfortunately. Please consider sharing with your members the importance of promoting Big Brothers Big Sisters.